Monuments and Sculptures
MEMORIAL TO THE PERISHED IN BATTLES FOR INDEPENDENCE OF LITHUANIA At the initiative of members of the Lithuanian Riflemen Union of 18th century, a memorial to the perished in battles for Independence of Lithuania (sculptor Robertas Antinis) was built at a square in the centre of the city.. In 1945, the square was turned into a cemetery of Soviet soldiers, the memorial blasted and buried. In 1988, the fragments of memorial have been excavated, based on which R. Antinis made a copy of the former memorial. In 1990, the memorial was re-established at the same square. In 2006, the memorial has been restored. Vytauto st. Biržai, WGS 56.204425, 24.758505 |
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MEMORIAL TO THE POET JULIUS JANONIS (1896 – 1917) The Memorial to the poet, an ardent fighter against the social inequality, was erected at the most prestigious square in 1976. Sculptor: K. Bogdonas. Architect: V. Brėdikis. J. Janonis square, Biržai, WGS 56.205216, 24.760080 |
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THE GRAVE AND MEMORIAL OF HOLOCAUST VICTIMS Krūmynų st. 2A, Paežeriai village (Pakamponys), Parovėja Eldership, Biržai District, WGS 56.224332, 24.780825 The mass grave in Paežeriai village feature 2400 Jews (720 men, 780 women, 900 children) and about 90 Lithuanians. Jews from Biržai ghetto (neighbourhood between Apaščia river and Vilnius street, along Karaimų street) were brought here to be executed and buried in ditches that were dug in advance on 8 August 1941. In 1955 the location was marked with a monument, while the remains of the victims were moved to this grave. On the 16th of August 2019, a memorial to the Holocaust victims of Biržai was unveiled with the known names of the victims written on a metal wall. The memorial forms a bridge across water in Astravas grove – the exact site of the death pits in which hundreds of Jewish were buried. It's made from sheets of metal that have etched into them 522 names of the known victims, each accompanied by a Star of David – little ones for children and larger ones for adults. The memorial bridge was designed by South African architect Dr Joseph Rabie, whose great grandparents were from Biržai. |
MEMORIAL TO THE TRANSLATOR AND POET STANISLOVAS DAGILIS (1843 – 1915) A monumental bust (by Nina Gronskienė, a Paris-based sculptor) of Stanislovas Dagilis stands on a beautiful polished black granite pedestal erected on 2 September 1923, on the day of his 80th anniversary. He died in Biržai in 1915. The best known of his various works is the translation of a patriotic poem Konrad Wallenrod by Adam Mickiewicz. Kęstučio Str. (in the territory of the Pentecostal chapel), Biržai, WGS 56.201901, 24.752249 |
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THE MONUMENT IS DEDICATED TO THE MEMORY OF THE FINISH PROFESSOR AUGUSTAS ROBERTAS NIEMIS Augustas Robertas Niemis (1869-1931) was a Finnish professor, the founder of the Finnish-Lithuanian Society, a public speaker. 1909 - 1912 collected folk songs in Northern Lithuania (Vabalninkas, Biržai, Papilys, Kupiškis) and Dzūkija. Wrote about 3600 songs. He published several collections of folk songs (together with Adolfus Sabaliauskas-Žalia Rūta), wrote the first history of collecting and researching Lithuanian folk songs "Researches of Lithuanian folk songs", analyzed and published works on the connections between Finnish and Lithuanian folk songs. The monument depicts an ornamented 70 cm high chapel built on a stone, and inside it - an oak Caretaker. The chapel is an exact copy of the chapel of A. R. Niemi's grave monument in Finland.
The author of the sculpture is the folk artist Vidas Jatulevičius, the designer is Viktoras Rinkevičius.
Birutės st., Biržai WGS 56.202704, 24.755401 |
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ROOFED CARVED PILLAR AND TOMB MEMORIAL TO A BOOK SMUGGLER (KNYGNEŠYS) JURGIS BIELINIS Jurgis Bielinis was one of the main organizers of illegal book smuggling (knygnešiai) at the time of the Lithuanian press ban, publicist, and contributor to newspapers Aušra and Varpas. He used a number of pen names: Juozapas Baltasis Erelis, J. B. Erelis, Jurgis, Juozapas Baltasai etc. He was born in Purviškiai, near Nemunėlio Radviliškis in 1846. His birthplace house still stands. Near the house, a roofed carved pillar (Sculptor: Leonas Juozonis) is erected. There is the Oak of Bielinis nearby, behind which he was hiding during a gunfight with gendarmes. A stone with a dedication is situated near the oak. A cross, under which he had died, is housed at the premises of the club Dūdoriai, in Pasvalys. He is buried at a churchyard in Suostas. The tomb memorial is installed on the tomb. The memorial was built of boulders by members of the Lithuanian Riflemen Union, Lithuanian Catholic Youth Federation Pavasaris, Lithuanian Nationalists Union, scouts, and a blacksmith J. Korsakas, in 1931. Purviškių II village, Biržai District, WGS 56.321071, 24.700168 |
MEMORIAL BUST OF VYTAUTAS THE GREAT Memorial busts of Vytautas The Great and Motiejus Valančius were erected near the Holy Trinity Church in Pabiržė in 1930 and 1932, respectively. Demolished during the Soviet rule, both busts have been rebuilt in 1990. Vytautas the Great (1350 - 1430), from the 15th century onwards, was a ruler of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania, which chiefly encompassed the Lithuanians and Ruthenians. He was also the Prince of Grodno (1370–1382), Prince of Lutsk (1387–1389), and the postulated king of the Hussites. In modern Lithuania, Vytautas is revered as a national hero and was an important figure in the national rebirth in the 19th century. Pabiržė town, Biržai District, WGS 56.184974, 24.638375 |
MEMORIAL BUST OF MOTIEJUS VALANČIUS Memorial busts of Vytautas The Great and Motiejus Valančius were erected near the Holy Trinity Church in Pabiržė in 1930 and 1932, respectively. Demolished during the Soviet rule, both busts have been rebuilt in 1990. Motiejus Valančius (1801 – 1875) was a Catholic bishop of Samogitia, historian and one of the best known Lithuanian/Samogitian writers of the 19th century. His services to the Lithuanian cause were lasting and important, including his opposition to the Russian government and the tactics he employed in resisting its policies, particularly the Lithuanian press ban. He sponsored the illegal practice of printing Lithuanian books in East Prussia and smuggling them into Lithuania by 'knygnešiai', which served to stimulate the emergence of the Lithuanian national movement. As an educator, and able Church administrator, historian and ethnographer, and a talented writer, Valančius emerges as one of the most versatile and influential figures in the 19th century Lithuania. Pabiržė town, Biržai District, WGS 56.185122, 24.638216 |
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MEMORIAL TO THE ADVOCATE FOR THE NATIONAL CAUSE ANTANAS MACIJAUSKAS Antanas Macijauskas was an engineer, publicist, and delegate to the Great Seimas of Vilnius. The memorial has been erected in 2004. Sculptor: Gediminas Piekuras. Architect: Evaldas Purlys. Pabiržė town, Biržai District, WGS 56.185701, 24.636998 |
SCULPTURE ‘DREAM’ IN THE TOWN OF VABALNINKAS An almost 4-metre-high, 18-tonne granite sculpture represents a young man playing on the kanklės (Lithuanian string instrument) and urging to stand on the side of the good. It was created and erected thanks to a donation of Janina Černiauskaitė-Kancevičienė, formerly a teacher in Vabalninkas, later based in Vilnius. Sculptor: Rytas Belevičius. Architect: Albinas Mieliauskas. The main 'Žolinės' square, Vabalninkas town, Biržai District, WGS 55.980117, 24.747065 |
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MEMORIAL TO THE SALASPILIS BATTLE The Battle of Salaspils took place in 1605. September 27 This is the biggest battle between 1600 and 1611 in the war with Sweden, which sought to occupy the eastern end of the Baltic Sea. The Lithuanian Army, led by the Grand Duchy of Lithuania Grand Prix Jonas Karolis Chodkevičius, defeated the army of the Kingdom of Sweden three times larger in the Battle of Salaspils. The Battle of Salaspils is one of the most impressive achievements in the Lithuanian Army's victory in the history of the GDL, the etmon of K.Chodkevičius throughout Europe. Rinkuškiai st., Rinkuškiai village, Biržai District, WGS 56.205574, 24.732406 |
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CRUCIFIXES OF VABALNINKAS At the Vabalninkas Square the crucifix is considered to be the main accent of the city, and the words of the land of the poet J. Strielkūnas "Homeland, you are the waves that carry everyone. Mother, you are a window, forever bright. You are a mountain from our sufferings, a tower has risen above our hopes." On S. Nėries Street, a 450-year anniversary of Vabalninkas was built near the cultural centre. On the crucifix you can see - the armorial bearings of Vabalninkas. Vabalninkas town, Biržai District, WGS 55.980272, 24.747266 |
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MEMORIAL TO THE FILMMAKER, POET AND ARTIST, JONAS MEKAS (1922-2019) The Memorial to the Lithuanian American filmmaker, poet and artist. Jonas Mekas has often been called "the godfather of American avant-garde cinema". His works has been exhibited in museums and festivals worldwide. This memorial was erected in his hometown Semeniškiai in 2017. Memorial idea and realisation involved many famous Biržai region people. Semeniškių Village, Biržai district WGS 56.154284, 24.950586 |
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The disappearing village - Pitiškis - was immortalized on the initiative of Viktoras Rinkevičius, a businessman from Biržia. Master Valdas Mickevičius from Skrebiškii carved the words and Vytis sign on the stone. Previously, there was a manor in Pitiški, which has long since disappeared. Now there are only two homesteads left here. And this monument was built in the fields of V. Rinkevičius farm.
Photo: V. Rinkevičius
Pitiškios village, Parovėjas sen., Biržai district. |
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SCULPTURE DEDICATED TO THE JONAS MEKAS On 2022 y. sculpture from bronze and granite was built in the centre of Biržai, dedicated to Jonas Mekas. Sculpture shows film camera and the tape with Jonas Mekas words. The author is Marius Norkus. Near Kęstutis and Vytautas streets crossroad, Biržai. |
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