Milišiūnai Sheep Farm Collection of Things Related to Sheep and Lambs

In Milišiūnai sheep farm, you will also find personal owners' collection of things related to sheep and lambs. This collection took many years to be gathered and it is now displayed in one of the farm's yurts.

An exposition of sheep and lambs has been set up in one of the five built yurts, with over 1,000 exhibits. All items and souvenirs are related to sheep and collected over more than a decade, now lie displayed on many shelves.

In the exposition you will see various shapes, colors and textures cups and mugs, toys, souvenirs and clothes decorated with sheep and lambs. The exhibits are made of various materials - clay, glass, wood, wool, felt and etc. 

More entertainment awaits you at Milišiūnai Sheep Farm: educational programme "Sheep, Source of Clothing and Food", dry sauna on wool, exotic environment and dishes from sheep for your celebrations, wool and products from it, Farm's meat products and sheep milk tasting.

Facebook: Milisiunuukis

Coordinates: 56.297679, 24.590071

Photo credit: Milišiūnai Sheep Farm 

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